Ending an email and concluding the best strategies for generating and/or nurturing leads. This moment is crucial for the assertiveness of a campaign.
But how can you be sure that your email marketing is (well) finished? Is the structure of the piece meeting the communication needs you have developed?
Will your buyer persona feel engaged by the visual and copy arguments used in the message?
Before checking these points, it is necessary to carry out an in-depth analysis of the state of your contact list and also of the conditions of your communication.
As well as checking emails, which is fundamental to ensuring that messages are delivered to the inbox, there are other components that influence the quality of the communication you are sending.
And the moment you are ending an email is important to check a number of elements that could go wrong and thus jeopardize your entire plan.
Table of contents
Ending an email: time to do the checklist
The best time to send
The day and time chosen for sending makes all the difference to an email marketing campaign.
To begin with, the user’s screen is a highly contested space because that’s where all the emails are.
Therefore, the more senders who send messages on the same day and time, the greater the competition for the reader’s attention.
To get your campaign out of this mess, opt for split times (if it’s scheduled to be sent at 1pm, choose 1.03pm, for example).
This increases the chances of your message being seen, as your email will be sent at an off-curve time.
But you can’t do that with the day of sending. There are benchmarking studies that prove that there are better days for sending emails.
But you can still choose a second best day to send.
That way, you reduce the number of competitors vying for the top days (which is what everyone wants).
In this case, sending emails on the second best day can increase your open rates, as you’ll be competing with fewer competitors.
We’ve prepared another article detailing the best day and time to send emails. Take a look and apply the tips to your campaign!
Is the segmentation correct?
Anyone ending an email should check one of the most crucial items in the campaign: the recipient.
Have you checked that you’re really talking to the right people? At this point, the use of an automation tool is essential, as you need to segment your audience within the marketing funnel.
Does your buyer persona’s buying behavior match the message being conveyed? Or have you checked that your message offers the solution your persona is looking for?
All of this must be checked carefully so that there are no planning errors. It’s these predictions that prevent wasted investment.
And these observations about consumer behavior and receptivity continue even after the message has been sent. A/B tests are an excellent tool for improving campaigns, especially in cases of low open rates.
If your emails haven’t been opened, it’s a sign that your persuasion strategies haven’t achieved their goal, and you need to reformulate the subject line, the preheader and, depending on the case, even the day and time of sending.
Once these elements have been reworked, A/B testing is welcome. This way, you can analyze what your audience prefers and your campaign can achieve results.

Ending an email and compliance with ISP requirements
Now we come to an extremely important part for those ending an email.
First of all, it is essential that professionals carry out an email blacklist check, i.e. check that their domains or IPs are not on spam blacklists.
This process is important because, even if everything is done correctly, senders can be blacklisted.
ISPs’ anti-spam filters are real hunters of details that might indicate that an email is spam.
That’s why you need to pay attention to a few key elements to maintain a good reputation as a bulk email sender.
See what these elements are:
- Email weight: anti-spam filters block messages containing images over 500kb. In other words, the visual resources used in your email should be lightweight. Work with image compression using Gif, PNG or Jpeg extensions.
- Subject lines: be careful that the call to action doesn’t look like spam! Avoid using words like “free”; “urgent”; “attention”; “stop”, among other catchy terms.
- Volume of mailings: don’t start a campaign by suddenly sending a large number of emails, such as 2 million. Sendings should increase gradually. Anti-spam filters don’t take kindly to large volumes being sent out overnight.
So take into account a “warm-up” period for your mailings. If your list contains 2 million contacts, start by sending to 50,000 recipients, then 100,000, 500,000, and so on.
- Check your lists: never send email marketing campaigns without checking that your bases are free of invalid emails. Remember that just 3% of bounces are enough to send an entire campaign to the spam folder and ruin the sender’s reputation.
Anyone ending an email should be very careful and cautious. At this point, you need the serenity to analyze details that could go unnoticed and thus ruin your investment.
Therefore, make as many checks as necessary until the decision to send is free of any uncertainty. This way, your campaign has a much better chance of achieving the results you expect.
When you’re ending an email, you have to pay attention to everything that might go wrong. These are details that can easily go unnoticed, but which have the capacity to ruin an entire campaign.
And this process of checking that everything is right involves not only observing the persona’s behavior through planning, but also the technical aspects of the message. ISPs’ anti-spam filters are very thorough, and any detail can block communication and, consequently, investments in email marketing.
Everything related to planning: the day and time of sending, the persona’s behavior (if the message’s communication fits the stage of the funnel in which the recipients are inserted); if the email isn’t heavy (images can’t exceed 500kb); if the subject lines and preheaders are persuasive enough to generate a good open rate; if the sending volume isn’t too high and if the email list has been checked.