It’s necessary to test email address to avoid risks of losing investments

Icatu Insurance

Humberto Sardenberg, Superintendent of Icatu Insurance

Inbound marketing has become a strategic part of our sales process and we realized that we could get closer to our customers through email marketing.

We work with large email databases. There was a time when our marketing automation tool sent us an alert that there were too many bounces in our mailing lists.

With that, we were facing the risk of having our project completely roasted, as we would be blocked by email providers.

This meant that all the capital that the company invested to develop this customer communication strategy was clearly at risk.

So, we needed a simple and intuitive way to test email address and check which ones were valid. That's when we learned that SafetyMails’ email validation tells us whether an email actually exists, whether it's a spamtrap, and a host of other items.

We also realized that we needed to correct an email if it had been mistyped.

SafetyMails was the most suitable email validation tool for us because it completely eliminated our problem: we get the lists and send emails to them, having email addresses that are, in fact, valid and reliable.

The problem of mailing lists filled with bounces disappeared overnight. This was, for Icatu, the most important point. We were able to send emails to contacts that actually exist quickly, minimizing costs and eliminating the risk of losing our investment of millions to develop this communication channel with the customer. We realize that email validation delivers great value.

Everyone who works in the digital market knows that adopting a new software (or a new service) in a company is something that is usually exhausting. This was not the case! Icatu found a solution in SafetyMails, and when we started using it, everything flowed very well.

We solved the problem that put our investment at risk, without adding a new process or new training, which could make this procedure time-consuming or even generate new expenses.

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